Video Summaries
A Discourse on the Olivet Discourse
The final message of Jesus recorded in Matthew was preached from the Mount of Olives and is called His Olivet Discourse. In this message, Jesus spoke of the signs to look for while waiting for His appearance and the events that will occur after He comes. The rest of Scripture enlarges on these truths and gives further details on what He taught.
A Study on Calvinism
The first 6 lessons were video-taped in a Bible Conference and the other 12 are commentaries being taught using PowerPoint Presentations. There are handouts available for the Bible Conference and PowerPoint Presentations for the other 12.
A Study on Creation
The Biblical account of creation is given with the first video being video-taped and entitled 'Introduction to Study' and the other 8 lessons recorded with audio using PowerPoint Presentations. Class Handouts and PowerPoint Presentations for these 8 are available for download. A much more detailed study of creation can be found in "God's Creation Story".
A Study on Daniel
This video contains a verse by verse commentary on the book of Daniel being taught using a PowerPoint Presentation. Copies of the PowerPoint Presentations are available for download.
A Study on Revelation
A verse by verse commentary on the book of Revelation is presented using PowerPoint Presentations on these videos. A handout is available for download on each of these lessons along with the related PowerPoint Presentations.
Bible Studies on Debated Topics
There are 6 lessons video-taped on topics that have been debated through the centuries. Five of these topics are also discussed on written manuscripts that can be downloaded for study.
Hidden Treasures in Scripture
Some verses cannot be adequately understood without the assistance of special nuggets found elsewhere in Scripture. Those nuggets (or diamonds) when recognized are called hidden treasures. After the introduction, there are lessons on 6 texts that are truly treasures.
Kingdom of Heaven Parables
This is a study on the 7 Kingdom of Heaven parables Jesus taught in Matthew 13. He was literally laying out the future of professing Christianity through 7 ages from the Apostolic age until His second coming.
Prophecy of Jacob
The prophecy Jacob gave to each of his sons while on his death bed also foretold the future of the nation of Israel all the way through the Millennium. There are 8 lessons recorded from PowerPoint Presentations. They are consistent with the handouts on Jacob's prophecy and the PowerPoint Presentations available for download.
Second Coming of Jesus
There are 6 messages video-taped on the events following the second coming of Jesus. They do not explain all that will happen in each event, but are messages built on the reality of them.
The Covenant of Grace
The grace of God provides salvation to the lost, enables the saved to serve, and meets the needs of all who are trusting in Him. But, God does not have a large reservoir filled with grace to draw from to provide what man needs. Neither is grace something He creates as needed. Grace is available to man as a fruit of the covenant the Father made with the Son in the presence of Abraham.
Understanding the Will of God
There are 6 taped videos to help one understand the will of God. There are handouts available for the first 4 lessons. The final 2 contain a message on God's will and a personal testimony recognizing the will of God being done.
Miscellaneous Bible Studies
There are 9 very important Bible study videos that were recorded using PowerPoint Presentations. The PowerPoint presentations that were used are available for download.The Antichrist
Seeing Jesus in Scripture
There are 8 taped videos of messages presenting Jesus in the scriptures where it would be very easy to not see Him.
The Golden Anniversary of Preaching
The outlines for these 7 messages were developed around the 50th anniversary of preaching in July, 2019, when there were no scheduled appointments to preach. Most of them were later used as the Lord opened doors for Sunday services and Revival meetings.