
Following Jesus From The Cross

  This is a study concerning where Jesus spent the 3 days that His dead body was in the tomb, a description of His resurrected body, and the appearances He made on earth to those who believed in Him for the 40 days between His resurrection and ascension back into Heaven (8 pages).

The Fruit Of The Spirit

The Holy Spirit enables every believer to bear nine different fruit of the Spirit. This study reveals what they are and how each fruit enables others to be the very best they can be. The presence of all nine in each believer is one of the best ways for a believer to reveal Jesus living in him to the world. The Lord has planted you in the place where you are living in so He can bear fruit through you for His own glory and for the good of others who are being touched by your life (10 pages).

The Gifts Of The Spirit

The Holy Spirit has placed spiritual gifts (also called grace gifts) in each believer at the moment of salvation. Thus, our sovereign God decides at salvation how He plans on using His new child to serve Him. These gifts are divine enablements whereby the Holy Spirit of God works through each believer to use him as a member of the body of the Church to serve all other members for the glory of God. This study is designed to help you determine your own gifts and how they can be used and, also to encourage you to dedicate the use of them to the Lord through the ministry of your church (13 pages).

The Exodus Of Jesus

Jesus appeared in His glory on the Mount of Transfiguration. Peter, James, and John were with Him to behold that magnificent event. Moses and Elijah were also glorified and returned to earth to talk with Jesus. So many great truths can be learned from the Biblical account of His transfiguration. The following document is an in depth study primarily revealing the topic of conversation between Moses, Elijah, and Jesus (21 pages).

The Bride of Christ

There is an almost universal belief that all one has to do to be in the Bride of Christ is to be saved. This study presents the view that the Lord will present to Himself those He wants to be in His Bride out of all the redeemed (4 pages). This study is also presented on the video "Bible Studies on Debated Topics".

Heaven - Our Home

Heaven is a real place for all who have been redeemed through the blood of Jesus. This study presents many scriptures that help to describe the place God is preparing for us (9 pages). This study was used in a message presented on the video "Bible Studies on Debated Topics".

The Sabbath Remaining

There has been a great disagreement in some Christian denominations on whether Saturday or Sunday is the proper time set aside for believers to meet for worship. This study presents a New Testament Scripture that describes Sunday as the Sabbath that remains for us (6 pages). These thoughts are also presented on the video "Bible Studies on Debated Topics".

The Sons of God and Daughters of Men

Genesis 6 reveals that the sons of God married the daughters of men bringing about the conditions that caused God to send the flood upon the earth. This study presents the fallacy of the belief that the sons of God were angels who fathered children with women (7 pages). A lesson presenting this information is on the video "Bible Studies on Debated Topics".

The Lord’s Supper

There are great differences among denominations and churches concerning the meaning and purpose of the Lord's Supper and who is qualified to partake in the observance. The various beliefs are presented in this study with directions given on how each individual should scripturally observe the Lord's Supper (8 pages). These truths are also presented on the video "Bible Studies on Debated Topics".

Being Formed By Friend and Foe

This manuscript was originally prepared as a Sunday School quarterly. The life of David is presented revealing how his life was refined and reformed by the influence of other people in his life. Instructions are given on how each person should respond to all the influences in his life to ensure that all things that happen will work together for good (13 lessons, 57 pages).

Church As It Was Meant To Be

The ministry and doctrines of the early New Testament church are presented from the early chapters of Acts. The lessons found in this manuscript were originally written to be used in a Sunday School quarterly studying about the early church as presented in Acts 1 - 13 (13 lessons, 58 pages).

Embrace The Savior

Originally written to be lessons for a Sunday School quarterly, a study of the life of Jesus is presented with individual lessons from each of the Gospels and from each of the Epistles which were written prior to 60 AD (13 lessons, 52 pages).

God’s Big Little Man

A biography of the life and ministry of Bro. R. G. Holland was written from interviews and recordings made with him and his wife (9 chapters, 50 pages). This manuscript was previously published as the book "God's Big Little Man".

Rejoice! You Are A Child Of God!

A Sunday School quarterly on basic Baptist doctrines originally written to be taught to new church members and new converts (13 lessons, 59 pages). This manuscript was previously published as the book "Rejoice! You Are God's Child!"

The Holy Spirit Working In You

Written as a Sunday School quarterly with each lesson dealing with one of the aspects of the ministry of the Holy Spirit in a believer's life (13 lessons, 56 pages).

The Lamb of God In The Tabernacle of Moses

This is a commentary of the Gospel of John. John the Baptist introduced Jesus as the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29) and John the Apostle wrote that Jesus was the Word that dwelt (tabernacled) among us in John 1:14. The overall narrative of John presents Jesus as the Lamb entering the Tabernacle (29 lessons, 163 pages).

The Lordship Of Jesus

This is a study confronting the lax attitudes toward Jesus in our present world whereby many are more concerned with what He can do for them than what they should be doing for Him. Many may not agree with some of the thoughts expressed, but, hopefully, others will be led to re-examine their dedication and commitment to our precious Lord (16 pages).

Joseph As A Type Of Christ

Many things that happened to Joseph in his life and how he remained faithful through it all makes him to be a beautiful type of Who Jesus would be when He came to earth. This study uses many Biblical events in the lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Esau that prepared the way for Joseph to come on the scene (16 pages).

Becoming A Disciple For Jesus

We live in a day when many make a profession of faith of having trusted Jesus as a personal Savior but then show no evidence of every growing spiritually to become one of His disciples. A disciple is one whose life is disciplined to live a life that reveals Jesus to the world. Many books have been written, Bible studies conducted, and conferences held in an effort to help people become disciples of Jesus. This article presents instructions from Scripture that will help you live a more disciplined life for Jesus (10 pages).

Opposition To Calvinism

The doctrine of Calvinism (aka Reformed Theology) has become very pervasive in most of the Christian denominations. This article was prepared to not only present Biblical truths concerning how Jesus died on the cross for every member of Adam’s race, but to ask questions that those who hold to Calvinism need to consider. It is so important to believe that God is no respect of persons in His offer of salvation.

 Blessed To Be A Believer

This is a transcript of a message preached on the benefits available to anyone who has been saved by the grace of God compared to what a lost person is missing in his own life. A written transcript never compares to a message one is able to hear preached from a pulpit, but the thoughts on some of the benefits available to a saved person can be received from this document (8 pages).