PowerPoint Presentations

These files are the PowerPoint (version 2010) presentations that can be downloaded for your use


Discourse on Olivet Discourse

These presentations includes 5 lessons from the Olivet Discourse Jesus taught in Matthew 24 & 25. The book "A Discourse on the Olivet Discourse" contains 15 chapters enlarging on the lessons. Clicking links below will automatically open the file in PowerPoint. To save a file to your computer, right button click “Save link as” on the links below. Videos that were created from these presentations and also used to create the DVD can be found HERE.

Lesson 1 - Signs of the Times

Lesson 2 - The Rapture

Lesson 3 - The Great Tribulation

Lesson 4 - The Millenium

Lesson 5 - The Judgments


A Study on Creation

The Bible studies included on these presentations were used to write the book “God’s Creation Story”. Videos that were created from these presentations and also used to create the DVD can be found HERE.

Lesson 2 - Theories of Creation

Lesson 3 - The Biblical Account of Creation

Lesson 4 - God’s Judgment Against Rebellion

Lesson 5 - The Crowns of God’s Creation

Lesson 6 - Listen to the Earth

Lesson 7 - Answering the Critics

Lesson 8 - Salvation Presented by Creation’s Story

Lesson 9 - The Science of Creation


A Study on Revelation

A verse by verse study of Revelation is presented in 19 PowerPoint Presentations. In a few cases, two chapters are presented in one study and there is a Revelation Introduction included. The PowerPoint Presentations are "Revelation1-22" and "Revelation Intro" and the DVD Video entitled "A Study Of Revelation" is a presentation of all these lessons. Videos that were created from these presentations and also used to create the DVD can be found HERE.

Lesson 1 - Introduction into Revelation

Lesson 2 - Revelation 1

Lesson 3 - Revelation 2 & 3

Lesson 4 - Revelation 4

Lesson 5 - Revelation 5

Lesson 6 - Revelation 6

Lesson 7 - Revelation 7

Lesson 8 - Revelation 8 & 9

Lesson 9 - Revelation 10 & 11

Lesson 10 - Revelation 12

Lesson 11 - Revelation 13

Lesson 12 - Revelation 14 & 15

Lesson 13 - Revelation 16

Lesson 14 - Revelation 17

Lesson 15 - Revelation 18

Lesson 16 - Revelation 19

Lesson 17 - Revelation 20

Lesson 18 - Revelation 21

Lesson 19 - Revelation 22


Miscellaneous Bible Studies

These presentations contain very interesting studies on various topics. Videos that were created from these presentations and also used to create the DVD can be found HERE.

Lesson 1 - The Antichrist

Lesson 2 - The Gifts of the Spirit

Lesson 3 - The Fruit of the Spirit

Lesson 4 - The Preserved Word

Lesson 5 - When God’s Glory Returns

Lesson 6 - The Fallen Angels

Lesson 7 - The Eternal Age

Lesson 8 - Enoch

Lesson 9 - The Babel Religion

Lesson 10 - Tabernacle Study


The Covenant of Grace

The six studies in this presentation were used as a basis for the writing of the book “God’s Covenant of Grace”. Videos that were created from these presentations and also used to create the DVD can be found HERE.

Lesson 1 - Appreciating the Benefits of a Covenant

Lesson 2 - Analyzing the Participants in a Covenant

Lesson 3 - Accepting the Blessings from a Covenant

Lesson 4 - Acknowledging the Binding of a Covenant

Lesson 5 - Announcing the Blessing of our Covenant

Lesson 6 - Salvation Provided through the Covenant

A Study on Calvinism

There are twelve presentations with the first 6 describing the 5 points of Calvinism and the other 6 explaining the correct interpretation of the major verses the Calvinist uses to teach his false doctrines. Clicking links below will automatically open the file in PowerPoint. To save a file to your computer, right button click “Save link as” on the links below. Videos that were created from these presentations and also used to create the DVD can be found HERE.

Lesson 1 - Calvinism Introduced

Lesson 2 - Total Depravity

Lesson 3 - Unconditional Election

Lesson 4 - Limited Atonement

Lesson 5 - Irresistible Grace

Lesson 6 - Perseverance of Saints

Lesson 7 - Ephesians 1:1-14

Lesson 8 - Romans 9:6-18

Lesson 9 - 1 Peter 1:1-9

Lesson 10 - Romans 8:28-30

Lesson 11 - Romans 9:14-18

Lesson 12 - Individual Texts


A Study on Daniel

A verse by verse study of Daniel is presented in 14 PowerPoint Presentations. There is an introduction to Daniel and the 11th chapter is divided into two presentations due to its length. Videos that were created from these presentations and also used to create the DVD can be found HERE.

Lesson 1 - Daniel Introduction

Lesson 2 - Daniel 1

Lesson 3 - Daniel 2

Lesson 4 - Daniel 3

Lesson 5 - Daniel 4

Lesson 6 - Daniel 5

Lesson 7 - Daniel 6

Lesson 8 - Daniel 7

Lesson 9 - Daniel 8

Lesson 10 - Daniel 9

Lesson 11 - Daniel 10

Lesson 12 - Daniel 11:1-35

Lesson 13 - Daniel 11:36-45

Lesson 14 - Daniel 12


Hidden Treasures in Scripture

Some Scriptures contain special treasures that help explain other Scripture. What it means to be “in Christ” is presented in one of these studies. A study of Daniel’s Seventy Weeks explains much about the end times as well as revealing God’s knowledge of the future. Videos that were created from these presentations and also used to create the DVD can be found HERE.

Lesson 6 - Living in Jesus Presence

Lesson 7 - Daniel’s Seventy Weeks


Kingdom of Heaven Parables

This is a study on the 7 Kingdom of Heaven parables Jesus taught in Matthew 13. He was literally laying out the future of professing Christianity through 7 ages from the Apostolic age until His second coming. Videos that were created from these presentations and also used to create the DVD can be found HERE.

Lesson 2 - The Sower

Lesson 3 - The Tares & Wheat

Lesson 4 - The Mustard Seed

Lesson 5 - The Leaven

Lesson 6 - The Hid Treasure

Lesson 7 - The Pearl

Lesson 8 - The Drag Net

Lesson 9 - Parables and 7 Letters of Revelation 2 & 3


Prophecy of Jacob

The prophecy Jacob gave to each of his sons while on his death bed also foretold the future of the nation of Israel all the way through the Millennium. There are 8 lessons recorded from these PowerPoint Presentations. They are consistent with the handouts on Jacob's prophecy. Videos that were created from these presentations and also used to create the DVD can be found HERE.

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Prophecy

Lesson 2 - To Reuben, Simeon, Levi

Lesson 3 - To Judah (Kings)

Lesson 4 - To Judah (Messiah)

Lesson 5 - To Zebulon, Issachar

Lesson 6 - To Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali

Lesson 7 - To Joseph

Lesson 8 - To Benjamin