Second Coming Of Jesus
There are 6 messages video-taped on the events following the second coming of Jesus. They do not explain all that will happen in each event, but are messages built on the reality of them.
Viewing a video directly from this site may be frustrating if you have slow internet service as the playing will stop frequently to buffer. You can click the 'Download Video' to have it loaded directly to your computer to watch later. A 45 minute video could take a few hours to download on a very slow internet, but you could watch it later at your convenience.
Menu driven DVDs are also available that contain all of the videos below. If you would like a DVD, at the bottom of this page will be a link to download the DVD disk image file. These files are fairly large (4 - 5 gigabytes) so a high speed internet connection is recommended. Instructions will also be linked demonstrating how to burn the disk image file onto a blank DVD. If you are unable to burn a DVD, please contact me and I will be happy to mail you a DVD. I use a Roxio computer program to burn my discs and try to have a supply on hand.
Lesson 1 - Coming, Ready or Not
Lesson 2 - Our Preserved Treasures
Lesson 3 - The Great Tribulation
Lesson 4 - Rejoicing With All The Heart
Lesson 5 - The Great White Throne Judgment
Lesson 6 - Even So, Come, Lord Jesus
CLICK HERE to download the Second Coming of Jesus DVD Disk Image File
CLICK HERE for instructions on how to burn a DVD from a Disk Image File