
The 3 books listed below are available on in paperback and on Kindle. I do receive a small royalty on each one that is ordered. I order them by bulk and try to have a supply of them available for any who request copies directly from me. If you are interested in one of my books, before ordering, you may want to check with me to see if I have some available. I will be able to save you a few dollars.

God's Creation Story

A Scriptural and Scientific Study of the Creation

Many who agree that God is the Creator may disagree on the time of the original creation. God’s Creation Story presents the Gap Theory as the most likely scenario of creation. There are many reasons to believe that the original creation of heaven and earth is recorded in Genesis 1:1. God evidently created many creatures to live on the original earth through the eons of time. Fossils have been found in successive levels of sedimentary rock all over the earth. After a long gap of time, the earth became uninhabitable (possibly because of the sin of Lucifer). Genesis 1:2 describes that state of the earth as being without form and void. Just a few thousand years ago, God used the six days work to restore the earth to the home we enjoy today and created new life to live on it. This book uses Scripture and science to open up the window to that earlier time to prove we are a fairly young creation that is living on a very old planet. God is glorified through His creation story!

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A Discourse on the Olivet Discourse

A study from Jesus' message found in Matthew 24 & 25 concerning the events of His second coming

The final message of Jesus recorded in Matthew was preached from the Mount of Olives and is called His Olivet Discourse. In this message, Jesus spoke of the signs to look for while waiting for His appearance and the events that will occur after He comes. The rest of Scripture enlarges on these truths and gives further details on what He taught.

This book is written from a Pre-Tribulation Rapture view presenting the belief that Jesus will come in the air to receive His own at the Rapture. The Rapture will be followed by a seven-year Tribulation Period which in turn will be followed by a Millennium Kingdom. The saved and lost will all face judgment before God at their respective time and place. All the events and judgments are covered in detail with many proof verses in this presentation.

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God's Covenant of Grace

A study of the covenant of grace God made in Genesis 15 and how it provides salvation through faith in Jesus Christ

The prominence of God's grace in Scripture and what it provides for man and the use of covenants in sealing agreements between individuals are revealed in this book. God's Covenant of Grace reveals that all grace is provided through the benefits of a covenant of grace God made with Himself in Genesis 15. The grace of God provides salvation to the lost, enables the saved to serve, and meets the needs of all who are trusting in Him. But, God does not have a large reservoir filled with grace to draw from to provide what man needs. Neither is grace something He creates as needed. Grace is available to man as a fruit of the covenant the Father made with the Son in the presence of Abraham. The making of a Biblical covenant was much more than a promise or a vow. It was actually a cutting of a covenant that involved the shedding of blood. The ones entering a covenant made a commitment that would last a life time and pledged their lives to the keeping of the covenant. In Genesis 15, Abraham was told to cut up sacrifices suitable for the making of a covenant, but the actual covenant was made between the Father and the Son. It was a covenant of grace that confirmed the promise God made to Abraham in Genesis 12. The book reveals how the nation of Israel repeatedly called on God throughout the Old Testament claiming the benefits of the covenant of grace. When Jesus came to earth, died on the cross, arose from the dead, and ascended back to the Father, He was in fact the Seed of Abraham fulfilling what He had promised when making the covenant of grace with the Father in Genesis 15. All of God's grace is available to all members of Adam's race because of the covenant of grace. Readers of God's Covenant of Grace are continually reminded that, on the occasion of their need and at the time of their request, God's grace will be sufficient for them.

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